Mason-Kay Jade has been creating natural jadeite jade jewelry since 1976 and is one of the industry’s leading experts on genuine jade. They test every piece to guarantee that their product is ‘A Jade,’ meaning it hasn’t been treated with polymers, dyes, bleaching or any other gem treatment method except for a thin beeswax coating on the surface of the stone. Nephrite Jade and Jadeite Jade are two of the toughest gemstones in the world, with jadeite jade on average being 24x harder to break than a diamond of equal size and shape. A perfect gift for both men and women, jade stone is prized for its rarity, exceptional durability, and an 8,000 year history in China as well as Central America, New Zealand, and more! Our store offers unique colors of jade including lavender jade, red jade, black jade and ice jade. Shop real jade jewelry today at Maharaja’s to find the perfect jade pendant, jade ring, jade bracelet, or whatever piece of jade jewelry speaks to you! As they say at Mason-Kay, “Let the jade find you!”